Thursday 3 March 2016

Final Week

Final two shots have been produced. Being:
"The murder scene" and "the chase scene"

Personally I enjoyed the angle of the murder scene although I have a continuity error in the scene I hope to fix, I need to add blood to Kiibas shoulder.

The chase scene was fun to produce as I decided to stick fairly close to my original animatic and go for a distant shot done with silhouettes.

Now all the film is gathered and composed. I need some additional feedback to do any tweaks I need to do to the film.

Monday 22 February 2016

Eighth week of production

Completing shot 6. Going to try complete all shots that are drafted this week. Plan to come in everyday.

next to do shot 7.

Going to try complete shot 5 (longest shot) on tuesday when I have the longest time in university.

will try draw last two backgrounds with rough animation.

Monday 15 February 2016

Seventh week of production

Testing for timing in my project right now. The beginning is only 7 seconds long. So I might have to make it bit longer. im gonna render out all my sketchy boring animation and put it all together to see how long these shots are. If it's not like 25/ 30 seconds after it all then I'll make the beginning longer. It's gonna be shorter than I planned initionally cuz Im cutting stuff out but I want it to take it's time.

Monday 8 February 2016

Sixth week of Production

I finished painting the final credit image, as well as the animation that goes on it. I wanted to make the mushroom bounce as much as possible, so I animated a few inbetween to make the mushroom feel squashy.

I also started animating shot 6. I want to enjoy this shot as it is one of my longest shots, so I made Kiba sorta walk confidently silly.

Monday 1 February 2016

Fifth week of Production

Got to finish the close up reaction shot 10

Started also on shot 5

Thinking of redoing the running scene as that might be too hard to pull off effectively.

Possible solutions being:

  • Have Kiiba run off screen (as planned)

  • the Nian follow her

  • Yells offscreen cut to black and dragging sounds

Then continue with plan, This maybe easier to produce in the long run.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Fourth week of Production

Animation for shot 4 started and finished. Added another cc light ray in this shot.

Shot 5 begins.

Shot 7 comp started.

Paralax for other shots added. Improvement required (Perhaps at a later date)

Goal is to produce more shots and to refine backgrounds later

Shot one paralax needs checked (Redone) maybe

Completed the blood splatter shot

Found out about colour overlay must impliment into final edits.